Swamp butch


March 22 2022

I started working on this website today. I have always been terrible at journalling physically, but this seems like it will be much easier. Although, entries will be short as I don't wanna use all my storage on just my diary page. I am so excited to start this journey into sharing my art and interests with the world and learning to program. For some reason my page already has 40 views despite being very much under construction, but hopefully anyone else who comes across it in this barebones state will enjoy this entry at least. More content will be arriving soon I promise.

November 27 2022

eek! I forgot all about this site :( well I will now probably spend tomorrow uploading things to it. It seems such a waste to leave it empty... A lot has happened since I made this website, I work at an art museum now and I went back to college! I am in a very good place rn, everything is going great besides my dating life lmaooo. Hopefully my next entry will bring more good news and not be almost a year later.

May 31 2024

My next entry wasn't a year later, it was over two! I got too intimidated by coding this site and abandoned it. But I'm reviving it mostly to have a space to catalogue my book reviews as I don't like goodreads... It's been a wild two years. I left the art museum, got a girlfriend, transfered colleges and then went back to the art museum for the summer. I haven't felt very creatively fulfilled when in school, so I am going to be doing a lot of things this summer to make up for it, hopefully I'll upload them here! Also it's my dad's bday today :) Hbd dad!


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